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The Altvest
Retirement Annuity
What is the Altvest Retirement Annuity (“ARA”)?
The ARA is a personal retirement savings vehicle which allows you to save for your retirement in a tax-efficient manner. ARA participates in the LifeCycle Retirement Annuity Fund which is a separate legal entity which is managed by a Board of Trustees who are appointed to control and oversee its operations.
The ARA is suitable for:
1. Those that are self-employed;
2. Those that have an irregular income stream and wish to
change their contribution rates from time to time;
3. Those that are formally employed and would like to
supplement their retirement savings in a tax efficient way.
4. Those that want to make provision for their dependents
If you contribute to the ARA, the amount that you will receive at retirement (at any time after age 55) will
be an accumulation of your contributions, plus the investment returns achieved on your investment choice,
less any fees and charges.
When you retire from the ARA, a maximum of one third of your benefit may be taken as a cash lump-sum. A
portion of the lump-sum will be tax free. The balance of the benefit must be utilised to purchase an annuity
from a registered insurer which will provide you with an income during retirement.
You may transfer your existing RA to the Altvest Retirement Annuity Fund. There will be no penalties should
you wish to transfer your Altvest Retirement Annuity to another provider. In the event of your death, the
trustees will need to decide on how to apportion your accumulated investment value. This decision is made
at the trustees’ discretion, based on the needs of your dependents and nominated beneficiaries. A portion
of your assets will be directed towards South African Businesses, providing them with much needed capital
to grow their business and employ more people. You also get access to opportunities previously reserved for
the top 1% of society. Your retirement savings are being put to work in a positive way, impacting the lives of
all South Africans.
Why should I choose the Altvest Retirement Annuity Fund?
The ARA provides you with a tax-efficient, low cost, flexible retirement savings product which is easy to
understand. The contributions that you make to the ARA will be tax-deductible on an annual basis as follows:
• Up to 27.5% of your taxable income is allowed as a tax deduction; or
• A maximum of R350 000 per annum in aggregate;
Not only are the contributions to the RA deductible in your hands, but income, capital gains and dividends
generated from the investments are exempt from taxation. The ARA is flexible and you are able to make an
initial lump-sum contribution as well as making on-going contributions by debit order. This option allows you
to make changes to your contribution rates as well as to suspend contributions if necessary.
The ARA will give you access to a range of investment options with exposure to a balanced portfolio and a
range of alternative investments through Altvest Capital.
Your money will be invested in a Regulation 28 compliant portfolio, spread across a diverse set of asset
classes, including a 20% allocation to Alternative assets curated by Altvest Capital. The portfolio is
professionally managed by 27 Four Asset Managers. Please refer to the portfolio fact sheet, available at
Altvest Capital seeks to provide retail investors with exposure to alternative investment opportunities in a
safe and regulated environment. Cape Town Stock Exchange (www.ctexchange.co.za) provides a regulated
cost-effective exchange for listing instruments. AltVest aims to provide investors with an opportunity to:
• seamlessly acquire these assets in the primary market;
• enjoy the liquidity of their investment in the secondary market;
• perform real-time valuations on their portfolio;
• access private investment opportunities in a cost-efficient manner; and
• invest in a regulated exchange environment with transparent price discovery.
Where is my money invested?
The investment management costs are shown in the ARA fact sheet of the relevant investment option.
More information is available at www.altvestcapital.co.zaWhat is it going to cost me?
You will pay an on-going fee which depends on the size
of your investment. All fees are quoted as a percentage
of assets excluding VAT, under management on an
annual basis:
Administration fee 0.30%
Investment administration fee 0.10%
Asset management fee 0.60%
Cost before advisory fees 1.00%
What happens if I die?
In the event of your death a fee may be raised to enable the administrator and sponsor to trace your
dependents and allocate the death benefit payable to your dependents in terms of the Pension Funds Act.
If you want more information please request a quote by sending a mail to info@altvestcapital.co.za and the
administrator will communicate with you.
What do I need to do to get started?
1. Complete the Altvest application form available at www.altvestsecurities.co.za
2. Obtain a quotation by sending a request email to altvest@altvestsecurities.co.za
3. Compile the following supporting documentation:
• ID document containing a photo, full names, date of birth and ID number, valid
passport or a valid driver’s license
• A document less than 3 months old containing residential address that is a utility bill,
bank statement, rates account or tax invoice
• Proof of banking details
• Proof of tax number
What do I need to do to get started?
Altvest Capital, the sponsor of the ARA will
communicate with you and provide you with
the following via email:
1. A transaction confirmation statement
and a policy document
2. Provide you with online access
3. Annual benefit statements
How can I get help?
If any of the above is not clear, you can obtain
further information from Altvest Capital:
Email: altvest@altvestsecurities.co.za
Website: www.altvestsecurities.co.za
The Lifecycle Retirement Annuity Fund is registered with the Financial Services Board (“FSB”) – Registration number 12/8/38158, and approved by the South African Revenue Services
(“SARS”). The Fund is established by the Sponsor, LifeCycle (Pty) Ltd, Reg No 2018/629597/07. The Funds are administered by an administrator chosen by the Funds’ Trustees from
time to time. The current benefit administrator of the Funds is D and D The Cycle (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 2013/157477/07. D and D the Cycle (Pty) LTd is an approved fund administrator
and authorised Financial Services Provider. The current investment options available to the members of the Funds selected pooled investments underwritten by 27four Life Limited
(Pty) Ltd Reg. No. This guide has been compiled to provide factual information on the product offered and does not constitute advice.